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Anti-corrosion technique plan of the pipe’s inner wall
1.施工工艺 construction technology
喷砂除锈 检验 底漆 检验 面漆 检验 喷涂标志 出厂
Blast cleaning→inspection→primer→inspection→finishing coat→inspection→spraying mark→delivery
2. 喷砂除锈 blast cleaning
The pipe’s inner face should reach the AWWAC210-97 requirements after high pressure blast cleaning, and the roughness of surface should reach 40-70um.
After basting cleaning, the surface of pipes should be cleaned with high pressure air before coating to ensure the surface no rust, dust and others so as to keep the adhesion of paint film and the surface of pipes.
The qualified pipes after blast cleaning should be coated within 4 hours as soon as possible to prevent the second rust.
3. 钢管内壁喷涂 inner wall spray coating of pipes
Operation should be forbidden when the relative humidity in air is more than 85% and the surface temperature is less than 3℃ above dew point or higher than 60℃.The field operation should be forbidden when the wind velocity is more than 3m/s.
The material adopted for inner wall anticorrosion is two components epoxy anticorrosion paint, and the confect proportion should conform to the stipulation in the paint instruction strictly.
According to the design requirement, automatic high pressure airless spraying should be adopted so as to ensure the coating quality. While painting, the nozzle-axis should be keep 80°-90°with tube. The distance between muzzle and tube should be 500-600mm; the spraying pistol moving velocity should be uniform to keep the coating smooth, neat, uniform, satiation.
Primer should not be coated when spraying within 150mm at the sides of welding seam.
4. 成品管养护 production tube curing
The production tube that has painted should prevent insolation and drench during the maintenance period which should be 6-10 days under 10℃,5-7 days under 20℃-30℃,3-5 days when the temperature is higher than 30℃.
5. 喷涂合格标志、编号、出厂。Qualified mark, No., and delivery
6. 由于运输安装或其它原因造成的涂层损坏应及时修补。The coating damage because of transportation, installation and others should be repaired timely.
7.质量检验 quality inspection
防腐类型:钢管内壁采用环氧树脂涂料 执行规范:AWWAC210-97 Anticorrosion type: epoxy coating adopted for the inner wall connector type: AWWAC210-97 |
序号 No. |
阶段 phase |
检查内容 Inspection contents |
频率 frequency |
验收与拒收标准 Acceptance and refusal standard |
1 |
环氧树脂涂料接收检查 Epoxy coating acceptance checking |
A.检查文件资料 document |
逐批检查 each lot |
每批都必须带有产品质量合格证 Every lot product should have the certification of fitness |
B.包装检查 packing |
逐批检查 each lot |
材料必须正确包装,防止损坏 The material must be packed correctly to prevent damage. |
C.批次控制 Lot control |
逐批检查 each lot |
每一批材料必须有单独的编号,以便在整个处理过程中容易识别与跟踪查找 every lot material must have independent number for easy identifying and tracing . |
D.原材料存放 Raw material storage |
所有原材料 All material |
所有原材料应封闭包装并存放在干燥的地方 all material should be sealed package and stored in dry place. |
2 |
钢管内部清洁度 The cleanliness of inner pipe |
A.清洁程度 cleanliness |
100%钢管 100% pipe |
钢管表面不得有油、油脂、灰、土、锈、油漆、鳞片及其它杂物,最终清洁度必须呈金属本色(SSPCSP6) There is no oil, grease, dust, rust, paint and others on the pipe’s surface. The final cleanliness should be metal color.( SSPCSP6) |
B.调校表面轮廓对比仪 the surface profile contrastive machine |
每天一次 Once every day |
读数必须与仪器上的零位相吻合 The readings must be accord with zero position of the machine. |
C.测量表面轮廓 Measure the surface profile |
100%钢管 100% pipe |
测量至少必须是1.5密耳 The measurement must be 1.5 thou at least. |
D.开车前审核 Audit before driving |
只要以前的各项工作都取得满意的结果 If only all works got satisfied result. |
以下是应该进行测量并需记录的参数:钢管的前进速度 The following parameters should be measured and recorded: the proceeding velocity of pipes, the rotary speed of pipes ( V type) |
3 |
内壁标记和检查 Inner wall mark and checking |
A. 钢管编号 Pipe number |
所有验收的钢管100%都做 All accepted pipe |
需要做防腐涂层的钢管都必须有表明已经获准进行防腐处理的标记。钢管编号必须标注在钢管内部。 The pipes needed anticorrosion coating must have the mark that allowed doing anticorrosion. The pipe number must be marked in the pipe. |
B. 开始清理之前钢管表面检查 The surface inspection before cleaning |
所有批次100%都做 All lot |
钢管所使用的每一批防腐原材料都应在监控之中,以便能够跟踪查找钢管所使用的每一批涂料 Every lot anticorrosion raw material pipe used must be monitored so as to tracing and checking every paint used. |
C. 钢管表面检查 Surface inspection |
100%钢管 100% pipes |
按照标准中的第2A和2B的要求执行就应该能达到满意的防腐效果 According to the requirements of 2A,2B in the standard to check can reach the satisfied anticorrosion effect. |
4 |
内壁涂装作业测试 Inner wall painting operation |
A. 涂料体系:环氧树脂涂料 Painting system: epoxy coating |
每一班首次涂漆都要做 The first paint must be done in every shift |
如果钢管表面均匀、没缺陷、就能达到满意的防腐效果 If the surface of pipes has no defect, it can reach the satisfied anticorrosion effect. |
D. 湿态厚度测量 Humidity thickness measurement |
每一班首次涂漆都要做 The first paint must be done in every shift |
应该进行四次不同的测量。测量应选择在不同的部位 4 different measurements should be done, which should choose different locations. |
E. 干燥厚度测量 Dry thickness measurement |
每一班首次涂漆都要做 The first paint must be done in every shift |
应该进行四次不同的测量。平均干燥厚度必须等于或大于业主要求后度(单位:密耳) 4 different measurements should be done, which the average dry thickness must not less than required thickness. |
D.粘合力测试 Adhesion test |
只要以前各步骤都取得了满意的结果 if only the steps before got satisfied result |
应该按照AWWA C210-97(5.2.3)的要求进行刀削测试。只要刀削掉的材料最大长度不超过3.2毫米时,测试就合格。 Slicing test should be done as AWWA C210-97(5.2.3).If only the material length sliced is not exceed 3.2mm, the test can be regarded as qualified. |
防腐类型:钢管内壁采用环氧树脂涂料 Anticorrosion type: epoxy coating paint used in inner wall of pipe. 执行规范:AWWAC210-97 Connector type: AWWAC210-97 |
序号 number |
阶段 stage |
检查内容 Inspection content |
频率 frequency |
验收与拒收标准 Acceptance and refusal standard |
4 |
内壁涂层检查 Inner wall coating inspection |
E.开始前审核 Auditing |
只要以前各步骤都取得了满意的结果 If only every step can get satisfied result. |
以下是应该进行测量并需记录的参数:钢管的前进速度 The following parameters should be measured and recorded: the proceeding velocity, The pressure of spraying compressor, the nozzle used in spraying, the distance between nozzle and wall during spraying. |
5 |
内壁涂装作业 Inner wall painting operation |
A. 喷涂环氧树脂涂料 Spraying epoxy coating |
100%的钢管 100% pipe |
应该采用连续喷涂的方法来喷涂环氧树脂涂料,并且平均干燥厚度必须等于或大于业主要求后度(单位:密耳)。喷涂时钢管的温度必须在露点以上3摄氏度。 Adopt continuous spraying to paint epoxy coating and the average dry thickness must not be less than the required thickness. (Unit : mil ) the pipe temperature while spraying must be 3℃ above dew point. |
F. 原材料批控 Raw material lot control |
所有批次的原材料 All lot material |
钢管涂料中所使用的每一批原料都应在监控之中,以便于跟踪查找到钢管涂料的批次。 Each raw material used in paint should be in monitoring so as to tracing the paint lot. |
内壁涂层检查 Coating inspection for inner wall
A.直观检验 intuitive inspection |
100%的钢管 100% pipes
成品涂层表面必须均匀,没有下陷、重叠或者气泡。钢管两头必须留出10厘米的未涂区。 The finished product coating surface must be uniform, no sink, lap or bubble. 10cm uncoated area Must be left at the both ends. |
G. 厚度测量 Thickness measurement |
100%钢管 100% pipes |
应按照第2.C部分的要求进行测量。平均干燥厚度必须等于或大于业主要求后度(单位:密耳) Measurement should be done as the 2.C. the average dry thickness must not less than the required thickness. |
H. 硬度测量(铅笔硬度) Hardness measurement( pencil hardness) |
每班一次 Once per shift |
涂层必须有韧性,用F铅笔至少能划3毫米长的线而没有划裂或没有擦伤 The coating must have toughness,3mm line can be drawn with F pencil, but no crack, scratching |
I. 粘合力测试 Adhesion test |
每班一次 Once per shift |
应该按照AWWA C210-97(5.2.3)的要求进行刀削测试。只要刀削掉的材料长度最大不超过3.2毫米,测试就为合格。 Slicing test should be done as AWWA C210-97(5.2.3).If only the material length sliced is not exceed 3.2mm, the test can be regarded as qualified. |
J. 缺陷检测 Defect test |
100%钢管 100% pipe |
待涂层固化以后,要利用缺陷检测器在涂料技术规范中规定的电压下对钢管进行检测。 After the coating solidifying, the pipe test should be done with defect detector under the specified voltage. |
7 |
涂层修复 Coating reparation |
修复 repair |
检测到缺陷的所有钢管 All pipes that have defects |
待修复的区域必须进行清理,除去缺陷。修复面必须平整、光滑、以保证涂层和原涂层一样。 The area that need repaired must be blast cleaning and remove the defect. The repairing surface must be neat, smooth to keep the coating accord with original coating. |
8 |
修复检查 Repairing and checking |
A. 测量涂层厚度 Measure the thickness of coating |
所有修复的钢管 All revised pipe |
每次修复至少应进行两次测量。平均干燥厚度必须等于或大于业主要求后度(单位:密耳)。Every revision should do twice measurements. |
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